• Customer
  • Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Upon signing up you are agreeing to a minimum 12 month membership. Your payment will be $222 monthly (or a one time payment of $2222) and monthly payments will occur beginning at the time of enrollment, and be automatically charged to the card you have on file via the enrollment form. You are responsible for fulfilling the commitment of the contract.

Your membership will continue automatically. After your minimum length of membership (12 months), if you choose to exit your membership, it will be cancelled at the next monthly billing cycle.


We do not provide refunds for payments made for any of our products, services or programs. If you choose to leave during your membership commitment, we do not cancel the balance owed.

In extreme circumstances, we may alter this no-cancellation and no-refund policy. If you feel that you have an extreme circumstance that needs consideration, please contact support@thewombroom.co.

Please note that disagreement with Qiddist’s personal, political or social opinions does not constitute a valid reason to attempt to abandon your contract.

Additionally, neither does not having enough time, not showing up for the work.

You are responsible for ensuring your card has available funds. If you need to change your card, please message support@thewombroom.co.

We are happy to work with you and extend patience and grace as needed, and will contact you if there has been a failed payment. However, if you continuously have failed payments more than twice, we will consider a $20 administrative fee.


You agree that you are freely and independently joining this program, without coercion or manipulation.

While you are financially obligated to fulfill your contract, you are free to leave at any time should that feel necessary for you.

You understand that while this is a female body literacy space, it is also a spiritual teaching space and that we will be orienting to our learning through this lens.

You understand that you are responsible for your wellbeing, physically, emotionally and spiritually. All content in The Womb Room is intended as educational information and does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you desire medical attention for any reason you are responsible for seeking that care.


Your membership in The Womb Room is intended for personal use only. You are not authorized to teach this work. You will have access to intellectual property and processes of The Womb Room, protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not teach, copy, reproduce, use, redistribute or publicly display any of our intellectual property. You agree that you will comply with the rules and regulations of our services and sites.

With that said, it is natural that you will share what you are learning and how it is changing. You are welcome to share this in your communities through the lens of your own personal experience. We ask that you credit the source, and understand that this does not authorize you to teach this material.

There will be quarterly opportunities for you to invite your friends to Womb Room events if you desire to share what you are learning with others.

We will never use your personal information publicly, unless it was a testimonial intended for that use. We ask that you do not share any personal information of others in the programs and services outside of the space. You are not permitted to screenshot, post, or distribute information from The Womb Room, and doing so will be cause for permanent removal from the space.

Please do not share private information of others in the space.

All information will be kept confidential, with the follow exceptions: we may disclose information by the rules of the platform (Mighty Networks), we may share information with 3rd parties such as law enforcement should it become necessary for the health and safety of our staff and clients, we may disclose information as necessary to apply with any applicable laws. We may use testimonials or reflection posts as case studies, in an anonymized fashion (with no identifying information). Your information and communication will never be used for harm or gossip.

As a teaching space, the consciousness and dismantlement of patterns may be used within The Womb Room containers as teaching examples without your personal information, with a spirit of love. Private communications with me is also subject to being used as a teaching tool, in an anonymized fashion,

You understand that all content in the space will exist in perpetuity, including after you leave. Anything that you share will be viewable to other members of The Womb Room, and anything shared on recorded Zoom calls will be available to members as well.


We agree that we are committed to resolving conflicts in a mature, adult way, following the tools of Conscious Leadership. Please reach out to Qiddist or a team member if there is a conflict that you feel needs resolving.

You agree that you will not submit any content that is false or designed to disparage The Womb Room, any The Womb Room products or offerings, or Qiddist Ashé, including, but not limited to, any remark, comment, message, information, declaration, campaign, communication, and/or other statement of any kind, whether verbal, in writing, electronically transferred, or otherwise, that might reasonably be construed to be derogatory, defamatory, libelous, or slander.


The Womb Room is not the space for personal solicitation, advertising, or selling of your personal work or services. That said, it is natural to share our gifts and personal work with others as we build relationships. Please share with a spirit of service rather than solicitation. If a team member observes a post or sharing that appears inappropriate or is considered solicitation, we will reach out to resolve the issue with you.


In The Womb Room we value respectful, mature and conscious conversation across differences. We hold a global community of women with a variety of backgrounds, identities and philosophies. Hate speech, harassment, and discrimination will not be tolerated. Silencing someone for an unpopular belief, attempting to control or “fix” someone’s ideas, or expecting The Womb Room team to do so is not how we operate. You are encouraged to share your own personal experience, emotions and beliefs from a space of vulnerability and connection. That said, hate speech, harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated. Please report any issues to support@thewombroom.co.


The Womb Room makes the distinction between sex and gender, being that sex is a biological reality and gender is a societal construct, and holds that our containers are female-only spaces given that we are exploring female body literacy. We honor that the experience of being female comes in a wide variety of experiences, orientations and presentations. We honor the words “woman” and “mother” and respect that you may use the language for yourself that you wish. If you hold different understandings of womanhood or are negotiating your relationship to gender and language, we welcome your emotionally mature, self-responsible conversations around this topic. Please take care of your own nervous system in this work.

To the extent allowed by law, you agree to waive any claims against us that may arise from the use of our Sites; this includes a waiver of claims or liability arising from any loss, physical, psychological or emotional injury or damage of any kind. If you feel our sites, programs or teaching cause you damage, you agree the appropriate remedy is to stop using our materials immediately and contact us at support@thewombroom.co. You agree that you are fully sovereign. To the extent that this waiver is limited by law, you agree that in no event will our liability for any reason exceed the total amount you have paid us for our services.


If you use our sites or programs in an inappropriate or unlawful way, you agree to compensate us for any damages you cause to us or others. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including attorney fees and costs) based upon any unlawful or inappropriate use of our sites or programs. Unlawful or inappropriate usage includes any usage that violates these Terms, our other policies or contracts, or any applicable law.


This agreement and our broader terms and conditions are governed by the Law of the State of Illinois. Any disputes shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Arizona courts and you consent to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts.

We look forward to walking with you on this journey. Thank you for taking the time to read and understand this agreement, and enter into a relationship with Qiddist and The Womb Room as a consenting adult.

I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    12 month payment plan ($222.00/month)12x $222.00
  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($2222.00)$2222.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal



  • Total payment

All prices in USD
